If you have lost a tooth because of an injury or medical condition, you may be looking for a way to restore your smile. Missing teeth can not only hinder your confidence but can cause pain when chewing, bone deterioration, and misalignment in your bite. At Wainwright Family Dental, we offer dental bridges as a way for our patients to restore their smiles. Read more to learn how dental bridges can benefit you.

What Are Dental Bridges?

Your dentist in Wainwright may recommend dental bridges when you have lost a tooth. They are used to close the gap created by a missing tooth or teeth. Traditional dental bridges use one or two dental crowns anchored to the natural teeth surrounding the gap created by a missing tooth. The two dental crowns are attached to a false tooth in the middle that works to replace your missing tooth.

When you begin your search for dental bridges near you, you will notice that there are four types of dental bridges. All of them use some sort of mechanism to attach to your mouth and replace your missing tooth or teeth. Your dentist will work with you to decide the best form of dental bridge for your needs.

What is the Procedure for Placing Dental Bridges?

The procedure for dental bridges differs slightly depending on the type of dental bridge that our dentist near you chooses. Our dentist will make sure to numb your mouth using local anesthesia administered directly into your gums in all procedures. In most cases, your dentist will have to prepare your natural teeth for the dental bridge and take impressions of your teeth using a soft piece of foam so that your dental crowns can be custom-made to fit perfectly into your mouth.

Discomfort from Dental Bridges

You should not feel any pain during the procedure due to the use of local anesthetics. However, since your mouth will have to remain open for several hours for the procedure, you may experience some stiffness and soreness in your jaw. Over-the-counter painkillers such as ibuprofen and an ice pack should be enough to provide relief from this discomfort.

How Long Does Recovery Take?

You will not have a long recovery time after getting dental bridges in Wainwright. You may begin eating normally as soon as your dental bridge is placed. Most patients do not experience challenges adapting to their dental bridge, but you should visit Wainwright Family Dental for a checkup if you experience any discomfort or pain.

What Are the Advantages of Dental Bridges?

Dental bridges offer many benefits to patients. This is a simple procedure that allows patients to restore their beautiful and healthy smiles. Dental bridges also allow patients to speak and chew properly and lower the risk of infection, bone deterioration, and shifting teeth. Replacing your missing tooth or teeth with dental bridges will greatly enhance your quality of life.

Interested in Dental Bridges?

At Wainwright Family Dental, we are happy to provide dental bridges to our patients to help them restore their missing teeth. Dental bridges can put an end to the frustrations that missing teeth cause on a daily basis. Our team of dedicated dental professionals is happy to answer any questions or concerns you may have about the procedure. Dental bridges can offer many advantages and may be an excellent solution for your needs. Please do not hesitate to visit Wainwright Family Dental for a consultation with our dentist today!